Wednesday, June 25, 2014



Hopefully all my family,my beloved one and all my friends are living their life happily.

It had been a really long time since the last post cause I'm not really into the mood to spill out my feeling here as I already have someone to share my feeling. Coming back here as I'm thinking to share my experience here and hopefully someone will get benefit from here.

In a few days I'll finish my final exam and officialy ended my third year. Next week would be different from my last last semester holiday as I'll start my internship in one of cosmetic company at Sg Buloh. This will be a new experience for me with a real working experience as a "professional". Before this I only have experience working as a non-professional workers. As an exposure to become a professional after graduating, I think internship is the best place where we can learn to make decision and also to think like a university student.

I'm actually quite scared to start the internship as I've heard quite bad story bout the company. So I'm recommending those outside that will do the internship someday to find about the company and ask the senior that already done their intern there about their experience and and etc. Because some of the company will take advantages to the interns students.

If doing the internship at the government, I don't think we will have much problems even though there would be no allowance except maybe there would be no work/task for the intern students.

Thats all for tonight.
All the best friends.
Selamat berpuasa :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Lagi 15 hari dah 20/2/2014...
Genaplah 11 bulan kita orang dah kenal satu sama lain.
we've never officially in relationship just we're more than friends and hopefully will end it with marriage when the time comes
My parents already know about him and I'm really glad that they're ok with him

Today I'll write about us as requested... :p
 -  dier sangat penyabar while I'm not
- I'm quite serious while he's very cool. Sangat relax dengan apa2 pun tapi mia senang untuk stress
- dier terima mia seadanya.. semua keburukan mia.. mia yang suka membebel,marah,stress, suka benda in order,queen control jugak kot sikit sebab suka sibuk nak tahu semua benda, tak suka benda last minute plan...
and I'm doing my best untuk banyakkan sabar,lebih relax and kurangkan queen control tu sebab tahu dier lelaki msti rimas jugak (eventhough dier selalu cakap dier suka mia macam tu daru tak ambil tahu langsung)
- dier pulak quite opposite of me... tak pernah tengok dier marah... kuat push pun ada sampai kadang mia termarah sebab mia bukan someone yang boleh kena push :- suruh buat bnda yang tak der mood nak buat or tanya banyak2 kali.. soryyy awakk.. :'(
- dier sangat determined bila dah ada target or tahu apa yang dier nak while mia pulak tahi2 ayam jer and  mostly easily influenced by my mood.
- mia jadi lagi suka nak belajar masak sejak kenal dier
- mia tahu my dad would like him very much sbb dier bkn mcm kebanyakan lelaki2 lain...

thanks sangat2 sebab sentiasa support mia... bagi mia kekuatan balik... buatkan mia lebih confident dengan diri mia... he's never look down on me..
dier suka sakat mia n buat mia marah...
pastu buat lawak sebab nak bagi mia tak marah dah and gelak..
bila mia sedih, down ker or sedih... dier akan buat yang terbaik tuk tenangkan mia...
sometimes people need someone to talk with bila down and usually he's the one that I can talk to...
bila marah pun dier kena... bila sedih pun dier kena dgr...
bila stress pun dier jgk kena layan...
nasib baik lah dier penyabar...
and dier yang I'm confortable to be with and nak cakap apa2 benda pun...

so far tak penah lagi ada big fight between us....
tak penah yang berlarutan sampai berhari2...
berjam2 tu ada jugak tapi either him or me will try our best to find a solution sebab kalau tak both tak senang duduk...

dier banyak support mia dalam cycling and now dier pun dah nak start involve dalam hiking sbb
his passion is cycling while mine is outdoors
so macam give and take... I'll join cycling,training n competition etc n dier pun akan join outdoors... :D
 tp dier lelaki x der masalah sangat... stamina tinggi.. apa2 pun boleh... campak dalam hutan pun boleh...

negative pasal dier x der kot nk tulis selain dier kuat push sebab mia tahu... mostly mia membebel pun sebab mia tak penyabar... time I'm serious n x der mood mmg x boleh nak accept any joke tp dier pulak suka melawak... tp kalau I'm ok... ok jer pun joke tu...

* something sweet about him... he loves attention... dier manja ,tak pernah tolak anything yang mia masak or beri... and tak pernah cakap  tak sedap... :D

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Aku Terima Nikahnya (1)

Salam Ramadhan

Smoga di bulan Ramadhan ini memberi banyak keberkatan kepada kita semua dan kita semua berlumba-lumba untuk mengejar keberkatan yang telah Allah kurniakan di bulan Ramadhan ini.

“Aku Terima Nikahnya” adalah sebuah buku hasil karya Hazrizal Abdul Jamil yang telah disarankan oleh pak cik mia untuk mia membacanya sebagai persediaan diri. Sebenarnya sebelum ini pun mia dah habis baca buku ni tp rasanya tak salah untuk mengulang baca & refresh balik.

So kat sini, mia nak share rumusan or apa yg mia dapat tapi mia akan buat berperingkat- peringkat supaya mia x miss out any knowledge or info and scara ringkas tp hopefully padat sbb mia tahu my beruang x suka baca panjang2. Kalau bg buku suh baca mungkin a few years later bru hbs bca setelah dipaksa... haha.. (*just kidding)


-      - Tujuan berumah tangga adalah kerana mahu memberi bukan mengharap semata-mata.    
      - Tak terlalu memilih pasangan dengan hanya ingin mencari yang terbaik atau sempurna sahaja.    Sebab setelah berkahwin kita hanya akan nampak kekurangan sahaja apabila kt menjangkakan kesempurnaan. Oleh itu,terimalah seseorang itu seadanya. kebaikannya kita syukuri dan kekurangannya kita redhai.
      -  Kebahagiaan sesuatu rumah tangga terletak pada KUALITI masa bersama keluarga bukan KUANTITI semata-mata.
     - jauhilah perkara2 maksiat n mungkar sebelum berkahwin sbb Dosa semalam akan menjadi kecurigaan hari ini,esok & selamanya dalam perhubungan suami & isteri.
        -   Perhubungan lelaki dan perempuan yg terlalu lama dan tidak menyegerakan perkahwinan akan berubah menjadi musuh akibat fitrah perhubungan itu sendiri.
*        Dalam perkahwinan,apabila hubungan teruji, hubungan itu boleh selamat sbb adanya ikatan perkahwinan.
*      Sebaliknya untuk pasangan bercinta,perhubungan itu mudah diputuskan apabila diuji.
*      Tak perlu memulakan hubungan jika dalam jangka masa terdekat tiada kemungkinan untuk melangkah ke alam perkahwinan agar terpelihara dengan mainan cinta.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bear vs Baby Dinasour 2 - Long Distance Relationship


Salam Ramadhan…
Happy fasting everyone.
So today is 10th of July and this means only 2 months left for semester holiday.

Back to the title that I’ve enlightened above.
Nobody likes long distance relationship either you’re married or not. This is because without understanding and patience even you love your partner so much u guys will have the probability to have misunderstood that could start a fight where could lead for separation. This is why less people would prefer to have this kind of relationship. As it is not easy to have our partner understands us and vice verse.

To be in a relationship or marriage, it is not only about love cos it will need us to be more responsible, understanding, patience and the most important thing is to have more trust on our partner.  
All of it are related with each other as misunderstanding will lead to prejudice that could lessen our trust on our partner and could starts a fight as a results of losing patience from one of it or both.

It is already more than 2 weeks for us to have this kind of relationship. It is not easy. But back to the key point, UNDERSTAND, TRUST and PATIENCE. I do feel sad when we have to go through this kind of relationship but I know this will strengthened us to face all the difficulties in the future. I know u have a lot of responsibility as a son and u are doing ur best. Less meeting, less messaging, less Skype and less phone call doesn’t means less love. It just Allah wants to take care of us and wants us to take care of ourselves  till the right time when I’ll be yours forever.

Then, hopefully this 1 month we could increase our ‘ibadah’, focus on collecting as much as we can his ‘barakah’ in this month and improve ourselves to be a better person. And trying to ‘istiqamah’ even Ramadhan month has ended.

Furthermore, hopefully we can get through this kind of relationship smoothly without any fights or misunderstanding and Allah will smoothen our parents heart to give their permission.Insya'Allah..

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bear vs Baby dinasour 1 - Someone New


Now I'm in 2nd week of semester holiday. This would be my last 2 months semester holiday as next year there would be internship and a year after that I guess it would no longer being called semester holiday. At that time Insya'Allah it is my time to find a job while waiting for the convocation ceremony.

After this 2 month, I would be in semester 1 for my 3rd year in Bachelor of Chemical Engineering at UMP.
 I've just finished my 2nd sem of my 2nd year exam last 2 weeks and I've done my best so let's hope for the best results.
Last semester started with a disaster.
This is because my 1st sem result was extremely bad and also with some other personal reasons.
 A few weeks I've been lost controlled of myself and it took some times for me to gain my spirit back.. To be back on track and to be able smile again.

The story began after almost 2 months of 2nd sem started.
 Where I knew this one guy and I've accepted into my life and started to love after he never gave up gaining my love. Despite that, he also showed to me that he's being serious.
 With him, I’ve being able to go through the final exam. The way that I've never done since the 1st year. I was studying really hard(*for me) and really determined to score for that semester. He's being able to be patient with all my up n down.. my moodiness and my stubborn. Whenever I'm down, he would pulled me up...When I'm in the best condition he would always support me.

I've been asking for my mum and my older sister for us to get married while we're studying.
It's quite hard actually...really hard to find the bravery to ask for permission.
So for now, I can only pray that everything will go on easily and smoothly.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

list trip

1.yong yap,bubu,tok nenek (9/9/2012 - 12/9/2012)
2.gng arong                         
3.jasar,berembun n perdah
4.nuang                                (30/11/2012 - 2/12/2012)
5. korbu n gayong                (9/2/2013 - 11/2/2013)
6. Stong                                (12/4/2013 - 14/4/213)
7. Bukit tabur                       (7/7/2013)

updated until : 7/7/2013

beza list trip n list gunung... it is just my personal record to know which mountains / hills that i've ever been... sbb kalau boleh nk try semua yg ada dlm m'sia ni even x terkira byknya... List trip ni adalah list brapa byk kali trip or event yg mia dah pg... while list mountain adalah list puncak2 yg telah berjaya didaki.. sbb kadang dalam 1 trip kt leh pg 3 or more puncak...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mount list

1. Mt Yong Yap   (G7)  2,167 meter (7,110 kaki)
2.Mt Bubu             (6,475')
3.Mt Tok Nenek    6,284 feet
4.Mt Jasar              5565 ft
5.Mt Perdah           5173 ft
6.Mt Berembun      6817 ft
7.Mt Arong            898 ft
8.Mt Nuang           4898 ft
9.Mt Irau                6922 feet
10.Mt yellow         5469 ft
11.Mt Pass             5206 ft
12.Mt Korbu (G7)  7162 ft
13.Mt Gayong (G7)  7129 ft
14.Mt Stong              4664 ft
15. Bukit Tabur        1300 ft

updated until 7/7/2013